Friday, April 18, 2014


7:11 PM 0 Comments
I just don't have any ideas to write about. Malam ini, sembari menanti Isya, saya mau flashback tentang seorang temanku.

Sebelumnya, tulisan ini nggak ada maksud melebih-lebihkan atau gimana-gimana. Saya menulis ini untuk melihat sisi baik darinya, as my classmate, lebih tepatnya mantan teman kelas semasa kuliah.

Kami menyebutnya Mr. Ro. Awal kenal, dia memang agak misterius dan sangat hobi berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Itu adalah salah satu alasan kenapa ada beberapa teman yang ngecap dia nyebelin gegara hobi ber-bahasa Inggris. 


1:42 PM 0 Comments
Today, unusually, I write an article with English. Hahaha... I just re-practice my English. I guess, you would understand to all I want discuss at here. 

A few days ago, there were so many news about the violence, especially, about child sexual abuse. Now, I wanna review in this page. What do you think about those bad news? There was one male student from one of the famous school in Jakarta through sexual abuse. The perpetrator is the worker from that school: the office boy.